• Fertility,  Healthy Living

    Stress & Fertility: How to Achieve Peace on Your Fertility Journey

    One of the biggest challenges to fertility success is stress. Most of us have some level of stress, which is, unfortunately part of living in modern society. Ideally, a stress response is meant to be temporary – after the stressor disappears, then the body should go back to baseline. In health, this happens quickly, and most of the day should be spent in the parasympathetic state, or “rest and digest” mode. In this state, the body relaxes, the digestive system is active, the heart rate slows down, and blood flows to all parts of the body.  An animal only takes minutes to determine that it is safe from a predator,…

  • Fertility,  Healthy Living,  Herbal Wisdom

    Castor Oil and How it can Boost Your Fertility and Help your Monthly Cycle

    The castor plant (Ricinis comunis) is a plant that originally comes from East Africa, around Ethiopia, however it has been introduced to many parts of the world including the US, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, and it is now common to see it in the southwestern US. The oil from the seeds is well-known for its laxative effect, and many pregnant women have tried castor oil in order to induce labor (and many of them have stories to tell about what happened next!)  In addition to these well-known uses, castor oil has many other uses as well. Background The seeds, or beans, of the castor plant contain ricin, which is…