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At this time of year, gratitude is a common topic. I wanted to share some reflections on gratitude, and discuss how building this practice into your daily life can improve your life, health, and well-being.
We are taught to say thank you when someone give us a gift, when a server brings us water. Some of these actions may take place so often that the true benefits are lost, the benefits really come when we take a moment to slow down and feel that gratitude, feel it in the heart, and connect with the person to whom you are expressing gratitude.
The Science
Science is showing that the benefits of this ritual lead to vast positive outcomes. Yoshimura & Berzins summarize several studies that demonstrate that expression of gratitude can have long-term benefits. For example, writing a letter of gratitude can increase happiness and reduce depression for up to 1 month! Other expressions of gratitude can help build a sense of satisfaction about the past and promote improved health by developing a sense of connectedness. In addition, others studies show that expressing gratitude results in increased hope, optimism, and life satisfaction, and decreased states of anxiety, depression and envy (1).
Furthermore, one study found that in a group of patients with acute coronary syndrome, people who felt states of gratitude had improved endothelial function while people with depressive symptoms showed increased inflammation (2). In other words gratitude can help you recover from a heart attack! Participants in a study by the Greater Good Magazine’s online gratitude journal Thnx reported less headaches, stomach pains, less cough, and congestion after writing in the gratitude journal for just 2 weeks!
According to the Heart Math Institute, expressions of positive emotions, such as gratitude and appreciation, puts the heart into a state called coherence, which indicates that the body’s systems are operating in a state of efficiency and harmony. Find out what an optimal heart and mind connection can do for your health and happiness.
How to express gratitude (even if you don’t feel it)
Many of you might be thinking, I am grateful but I just can’t feel any warm fuzzy feelings. Scientists have shown that gratitude is a practice, which is not so different than riding a bike or learning any new activity.
- One simple thing we do in our house is to read A Grateful Heart before we eat together. This book has a series of readings that inspire gratitude. There may be many other similar books on the market and this has become a lovely dinnertime tradition for us.
- No matter what, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, express and feel gratitude for three things. (Then, notice how your sleep improves).
- Have a gratitude circle with friends, so that others can listen and share in your gratitudes.
- Write a letter to a friend, expressing gratitude.
- Use the emWave® Pro from HeartMath
device in order to visually see how expressing gratitude can affect your heart rate variability. This is a great tool for helping to sustain the feeling of gratitude for an extended period of time (even just 5 minutes!). Using the Em Wave for 5 minutes, 3 times a day, can have profound effects on your health.
- Before bed, I express gratitude with my daughter in order to instill this practice in her.
- Take a moment and think about all the people that contributed to your cup of coffee (or tea!) this morning. It is amazing to realize how many people do something along the way so that we can have a morning drink. If you order your favorite drink at a cafe, take a moment to genuinely express gratitude to the person who made your drink!
The more you do it, the easier it gets. Gratitude is a practice. The more you can work this into your daily schedule, the more benefits you will receive, and the more you will genuinely feel gratitude.
Thank you for reading this post!!!